§ 12-47. Exceptions from registration or license requirements.
The following classes of work may be carried out by persons who are not electricians:
The replacement of lamps, fuses or equivalent and the connection of portable devices to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed.
The installation, alteration or repairing of any wiring, devices, or equipment for the operation of signal or the transmission of intelligence, where such wiring, devices, appliances, or equipment operates at a voltage not exceeding fifty (50) volts between conductors and do not include generating or transforming equipment.
The installation, alteration or repair of electric wiring, devices, appliances and equipment installed by or for an electrical public service corporation operating under a franchise from the city when for the use of such corporation in the generation, transmission, distribution, or metering of the electrical energy or for the use of such a corporation in the operation of street railways, signals, or the transmitting of intelligences.
Any work involved in the manufacture or test of electrical materials, devices, appliances, or apparatus, but not including any installation of wiring other than that required for testing purposes if such equipment as complete is approved by the electrical inspector before it is installed or used within the city.
(Ord. No. 00-27, 9-5-2000)