§ 12-55. Contractors—Individuals.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of electrical contractor, lighting maintenance contractor, elevator and escalator contractor, or building maintenance operator, without being licensed in the manner hereinafter set forth, and without indicating the name by which the business shall be known.
No electrical contractor shall establish, maintain, or advertise a place of business at any location within the city under any name other than that licensed with the building department. Any person desiring to engage in the business of electrical contracting, or lighting maintenance contracting, shall make application for license at the building department. Upon the filing of such application in proper form, and the payment of the license fee as provided for in this article, the electrical inspector shall register the applicant as an electrical contractor, or lighting maintenance contractor, and shall issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, provided he has qualified, and has registered the proper address of his established place of business.
An electrical contractor's certificate shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for the installation, addition, alteration, servicing, replacing, removing, or repair of any electrical conductors, apparatus, appliances, devices and equipment.
If such electrical contractor shall engage in the installation, alteration or repair of any elevator and escalator equipment, then he shall have his contractor's certificate approved for such work.
Any person engaged in the electrical contracting business shall be a qualified master electrician and be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this chapter in its entirety.
A lighting maintenance contractor's license shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of repair and maintenance of lighting fixtures only, and such person engaged in the lighting maintenance contracting business shall have continuously in his employ a qualified journeyman who shall have active supervision over, and be responsible for carrying out lighting maintenance. The electrical inspector shall be notified in writing in the event the journeyman electrician is replaced by another journeyman electrician who has qualified as required by this article. An elevator and escalator contractor's license shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for the installation, repairs, and alteration of any electrical wiring and equipment connected with the installation of electrical elevators and escalators. The actual work of installation shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified master, journeyman, or specialist elevator and escalator electrician.
The building department is hereby authorized to withhold inspections and the issuance of permits to any licensed electrical contractor, master electrician, etc. who:
Fails to correct any defect, error, or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of an electrical permit within ten (10) calendar days after written notification thereof from the building department.
Fails to pay any just indebtedness to the city for inspection fees charged for specific permits.
Every electrical contractor, lighting maintenance contractor, and elevator and escalator contractor shall have an established place of business.
(Ord. No. 00-27, 9-5-2000)