Eagle Pass |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 12-166. Miscellaneous requirements.
No. 12 electrical wire shall constitute the minimum requirement for residence circuits, with the sole exception of switch legs which may consist of No. 14 wire.
Each main line disconnect shall be installed adjacent to meter and shall be located outside of building, unless otherwise authorized by the electrical inspector in writing.
Approved SE cable shall be permissible for use in connection with electric stoves in residences.
Each electric water heater shall be wired in rigid metallic conduit or electrical metallic tubing with proper fittings.
Each switch and each receptacle shall be of approved T-rating.
Each service supplying in excess of two (2) circuits shall be of three (3) wire type.
No public utility serving the city shall energize line until written approval of the electrical inspector shall first have been secured.
All wire from entrance switch to panel box shall be of at least No. 8, or larger; and such wire may be SE cable for residence and duplex dwellings.
All service wires from point of entrance of building to service switch and meter connection shall conform with the requirements of the Central Power and Light Company Meter Installation Manual.
One hundred fifteen-volt single phase motorized equipment designed for general use shall be equipped with motors having a rating capacity of less than one-half (½) horsepower.
Any person making use of any manner of electrical equipment within the territorial limits of the city which equipment has electrical characteristics such that the connection thereof with, and the use thereby of, electrical current causes or is likely to cause substantial fluctuation or fluctuations of electrical voltage and thereby effects interference with, or is likely to effect interference with, electrical service to another, shall provide at private expense suitable and effective apparatus to prevent such current fluctuation and such interference.
Branch circuits supplying convenience outlets in the kitchen, pantry, dining room and breakfast room, as pertains to residences and other dwelling occupancies, shall not supply other outlets. Such branch circuits shall be supplied with conductors not smaller than No. 12. Laundry convenience outlets shall be on separate circuits.
All joints of electrical equipment shall be soldered or shall be of approved mechanical connectors, and shall be taped on "rough-in-jobs." Fixture lead shall be soldered or fixture connectors of approved type shall be employed in lieu of fixture lead. All such connections, joints and fixtures shall be made in approved enclosures.
All unused holes or openings in cabinet boxes and in outlet boxes shall be effectively plugged when not in use, to render such boxes as nearly dust-tight as possible.
All wires and attachments in each electrical installation shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain service with the full connected load in conformity with the requirements of this chapter.
In instances of installation of electrical equipment or service used or intended to be used to control more than one (1) apartment dwelling, consumer or installation, the main cabinet and cut-offs shall be accessible to each such dwelling, consumer or installation, at all times.
All motors or one and one-half (1½) horsepower or greater shall be equipped with approved motor starting devices.
Drop cords shall not be installed at any time.
Each electrical circuit shall be protected by a separate fuse or an approved multibreaker in the hot leg of the circuit.
Multibreaker or fusestat shall be used in lieu of plug type fuse, in accordance with the wire size as listed in the National Electrical Code, latest edition.
(Ord. No. 00-27, 9-5-2000)