§ 23-76. Definitions.
Public parks are large tracts of land usually with grass and trees improved for public use and recreation with at least sixty (60) percent of flat land for use of ball fields.
Major residential subdivisions are defined in this subsection as subdivisions with fifty (50) or more proposed dwelling units.
Minor residential subdivisions are those subdivisions with fewer than fifty (50) proposed dwelling units.
Parkland is the actual property on which the public park will be situated. It is also refereed to as the property to be dedicated by the property owner to the city pursuant to City parkland dedication requirements.
Cash contribution is an equivalent cash value contribution to the city for parkland property acquisition or parkland improvement costs in lieu of dedication of actual parkland property.
Parkland contribution is the actual dedication of parkland property to the city by way of plat note and general warranty deed.
Parkland improvements are those improvements to the city owned parkland that allow the parkland to be utilized as public parks.
Ultimate residents are residents projected to live in a subdivision at the time of completion.
(Ord. No. 05-22, § 1, 8-2-2005)