§ 23-88. General requirements.
Installation. Landscaping shall consist of an appropriate combination of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, and/or ground cover (including grass). A minimum of three (3) inches of gravel or shredded hardwood mulch shall be added in a non-turf area to the soil surface after planting. Non-porous material, such as sheet plastic, shall not be placed under the mulch. All landscape materials shall be installed according to acceptable landscape standards. Landscape plantings on city right-of-way is strictly prohibited.
Maintenance. The current owner and subsequent owners of the landscaped property or the manager or agent of the owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscape areas. Said areas shall be maintained so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance at all times and shall be kept free of refuse and debris. Maintenance shall include the replacement of all dead plant material if that material was used to meet the requirements of this chapter.
Irrigation standards. One of the following irrigation methods shall be used to ensure survival of the required plant material in landscaped areas:
Conventional system: An automatic or manual underground irrigation system that may be a conventional spray or bubbler type heads.
Drip or leaky-pipe system: An automatic or manual underground irrigation system in conjunction with a water-saving system such as a drip or a leaky pipe system.
Temporary and above-ground watering: Landscape areas utilizing xeriscape plants and installation techniques, including areas planted with native grasses, wildflowers and trees may use a temporary and above-ground system, and shall be required to provide irrigation for the first three (3) growing seasons.
[Backflow prevention device, irrigation heads and spray heads:] When using a potable irrigation water source, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed in accordance with the city plumbing code. Such device shall be in a pressure vacuum breaker or a reduced pressure detection assembly as appropriate for the project location.
Irrigation heads adjacent to any on site curbs sidewalks or paved areas shall be installed flush with the finished grade.
Spray heads shall not be installed within three (3) feet of public street curbs or street edges, or in areas less than four (4) feet wide.
Natural and undisturbed areas: No irrigation shall be required for undisturbed natural areas or undisturbed existing trees.
Planting criteria.
Trees. Trees shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in caliper measured three (3) feet above finished grade immediately after planting. If trees are proposed that are not chosen from the Preferred Plant List provided in Appendix A, trees shall have an average mature crown greater than twenty (20) feet in diameter. Trees having an average mature crown less than twenty (20) feet in diameter may be substituted by grouping the same so as to create at maturity the equivalent of a twenty (20) foot diameter crown if the drip line area is maintained.
Shrubs, vines and ground cover. Shrubs, vines and ground cover planted pursuant to this chapter shall be good, healthy nursery stock. Shrubs must be, at a minimum, a one (1) gallon container size.
Lawn grass. Grass areas should be planted in drought resistant species normally grown as permanent lawns, such as Bermuda or Buffalo grass. Grass areas may be sodded, plugged, sprigged or seeded except that solid sod shall be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion. Grass or turf areas may be replaced with decorative rock or gravel material as a water saving technique.
Synthetic lawns or plants. Synthetic or artificial lawns or plants shall not be used in lieu of plant requirements in this chapter.
Other. Any approved decorative aggregate or pervious brick pavers shall qualify for landscaping credit if contained in planting areas, but no credit shall be given for concrete or other impervious surfaces.
(Ord. No. 05-22, § 1, 8-2-2005)
Editor's note
Appendix A, Preferred Plant List, referenced above has not been included herein, but is on file for inspection in the office of the city secretary.