§ 27-129. Service units.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Establish in accordance with standards. Service units are established in accordance with generally accepted engineering and planning standards.


    Calculation. Service units shall be calculated based on living units equivalent as determined by the size of the water meter(s) for the development or, alternatively, as approved by city council, based on the recommendation of the city manager as a result of an engineering report prepared by a qualified professional engineer licensed to perform such professional engineering services in the State of Texas, which demonstrates that the number of LUEs of service for the new development will be different than those indicated by the size of the water meter.


    Adjustment in number of LUEs. If the engineer determines that the water pressure in the city's transmission main is significantly higher or lower than standard pressure such that the size of the water meter is not indicative of actual service demand, the council may adjust the number of LUEs based on a smaller or larger sized meter which more accurately reflects the flow rate and the system pressure conditions.


    Fire demand meters. If a fire demand meter (tap) is purchased for a property, the meter size utilized to calculate the number of LUEs shall be the dimension of the portion of the fire demand meter which reflects the meter size which would provide only domestic service to the property. Such reduced meter size shall then be utilized to calculate the number of LUEs. The meter types used to calculate the number of LUEs shall be either simple or compound meters. To avoid the use of fire flow volumes for domestic usage, the owner of any property for which a fire demand meter is purchased shall be required to execute a restrictive covenant on a form approved by the city attorney, which covenant shall acknowledge the right of the city to assess such fees to subsequent owners of the property. Such covenant shall be executed prior to the purchase of the fire demand meter and shall be filed in the deed records of the county.


    Establishment, review and presentation of service units upon water tap purchases for lots. Upon water tap purchase for lots for which no water meter has been purchased, service units shall be established by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas, shall be reviewed by the engineer and shall be presented to council which shall designate the appropriate number of service units.


    Revision of service unit designation. The city council may revise the service unit's designation according to the procedure set forth in chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended, or any successor statute.

(Ord. No. 90-10, § 1(1.09), 8-28-1990; Ord. No. 2018-13, § 2(Exh. 3), 4-17-2018)