Eagle Pass |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 27. WATER AND SEWERS |
§ 27-171. Definitions.
For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively described to them by this section unless the context requires otherwise:
CEO: The chief executive officer of the City of Eagle Pass Waterworks System.
City: The City of Eagle Pass, Texas, as represented by the official acts of the city council and council-designated representatives.
Department: The City of Eagle Pass Waterworks System, Quality Control Department.
Director: The director of the department of quality control or his or her designated representative or agent.
Discharge: The unpermitted disposal, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking or placing of any liquid waste including, but not limited to, solid or semisolid grease trap waste, grit trap waste, and/or septage into or on any land, water, sanitary or storm sewer facilities so as to cause such waste or any constituent thereof to adversely enter the environment, or be adversely emitted into the air or into any water including groundwaters.
Disposal site: A permitted facility or part of a permitted facility, including influent collection sewers and sludge handling facilities at which liquid waste and septage is approved to be collected, transported, treated, and intentionally disposed of by conveyance to receiving waters and/or lands. These types of facilities must be classified as either a Type I (landfill) or Type V (other, i.e. liquid processing) Municipal Solid Waste Facility as defined under 40 CFR part 257 and TAC, part IX, chapter 330, subchapter D, section 330.41(b) and section 330.41(f).
Disposal site (land application): A permitted or registered facility or part of a permitted or registered facility at which liquid waste, including, but not limited to, grease trap waste and grit trap waste, is received, processed, treated, and/or intentionally placed into or on any land where it is intended that said waste shall remain after closure of said facility.
Disposal site operator: A person, firm, corporation, municipal corporation, or utility permitted or registered by the appropriate state and/or federal regulatory agencies to engage in receiving, storing, processing and/or ultimately disposing of liquid waste, including, but not limited to, grease trap waste, grit trap waste and septage.
Generator: A person who causes, creates, generates, stores or otherwise produces liquid waste, including, but not limited to, grease trap waste, grit trap waste and septage as a byproduct of some domestic or nondomestic activity.
Grease trap: A receptacle utilized by commercial or industrial generators of liquid waste to intercept, collect and restrict the passage of organic, inorganic, greasy or fatty liquid, semiliquid, and/or solid wastes into both public and private sanitary sewers to which the receptacle is directly or indirectly connected.
Grease trap waste: Any organic, inorganic, greasy or fatty liquid, semi-liquid, and/or solid wastes collected by and ultimately removed from a grease trap for proper disposal.
Grit trap: A receptacle utilized by commercial or industrial generators of liquid waste to intercept, collect and restrict the passage of petroleum-based oil and grease wastes and inorganic or other solids into both private and public sanitary sewers to which the receptacle is directly or indirectly connected.
Grit trap waste: Oil and grease wastes, and organic solids generated by commercial, industrial, automotive or heavy machinery repair and/or washing facilities that are collected by and ultimately removed from a grit trap for disposal.
Hazardous waste: A solid waste, or combination of solid wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristic may:
Cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or
Pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed.
Liquid waste: Waterborne solids and liquids containing dissolved or suspended waste materials, including, but not limited to, septage and wastes from grease traps and grit traps.
Manager: The person responsible for conducting, supervising, managing or representing the business activities of a generator or transporter.
Manifest: The written, multipart documentation required to be in the possession of the transporter enabling disposal of hauled grit trap waste, grease trap waste, and septage at a permitted or registered disposal site as provided for in section 27-176 of this article.
Manifest system: A record keeping and accounting system consisting of a multipaged manifest booklet and other forms used to document specific data regarding the point of generation, transportation, volume and disposal of grit trap waste, grease trap waste, and septage.
Permit: The formal written control document issued by the city water system to a transporter which entitles such transporter to collect, transport and dispose of grease trap waste, grit trap waste and septage at a permitted or registered treatment storage, or disposal site or facility, and regulates said activities.
Permittee: A person issued a permit under this article.
Person: An individual, corporation (including a government corporation), organization, state or federal governmental subdivision or agency, political subdivision of a state, interstate agency or body, business, trust, partnership, association, firm, company, joint stock company, commission, or any other legal entity.
Regional agent boundary: The geographic area within which the city waterworks system is the designated responsible governmental agency to construct, operate, and maintain regional sanitary sewerage systems.
Sanitary sewer: A system of pipes, conduit, and treatment facilities owned and/or operated by the city waterworks system which collect, transport, and treat sanitary sewage, and to which storm, surface, and ground waters are not intentionally or normally admitted.
Septage: Liquid wastes and sludges containing sufficient liquid content, normally more than eighty-five (85) percent, to permit flow by gravity or minimal pumping, which is removed from a portable toilet, chemical toilet, septic tank (as used herein), or cesspool. Septage does not include nondomestic wastes from commercial or industrial establishments.
Tank: A receptacle device or structure designed to contain an accumulation of liquid waste including, but not limited to, grease trap waste, grit trap waste, and septage which is constructed of materials (e.g., concrete, steel, alloy, fiberglass, plastic, etc.) manufactured to provide appropriate structural support for the containment.
The City of Eagle Pass Waterworks System: The City of Eagle Pass, acting by and through the City of Eagle Pass Waterworks System.
TNRCC: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
Transporter: A person that utilizes a vehicle to transport liquid waste which is:
Disposed of within the regional agent boundary; or
Transferred within the regional agent boundary for the purpose of disposal; or
Collected from a generator or wastehauler within the regional agent boundary.
Vehicle: A mobile receptacle or device in which or by which liquid waste may be transported upon a public street or highway.
(Ord. No. 95-03, § 1, 1-17-1995)