§ 2-2. Order of business, rules of procedure.
Order of business. After the minutes have been read and approved, the order of business shall be as follows:
Any communications from the mayor shall be heard and disposed of.
Excuses of absentees shall be heard and disposed of.
Petitions shall be read and disposed of.
Reports of officers shall be received and disposed of.
Reports of standing committees shall be received and disposed of.
Reports from select committees shall be heard and disposed of.
Unfinished business shall be taken up and disposed of.
New business shall be taken up and disposed of.
Special orders of business shall have precedence, at the hour for which they have been set, over all other business.
Precedence of motions. While a question is under consideration no motion shall be entertained, but:
A motion to adjourn.
To lay on the table.
The previous question.
To postpone to a certain time.
To commit.
To amend.
To postpone indefinitely.
These motions shall have precedence in the order named. A motion to lay on the table is not debatable.
Robert's Rules of Order to govern. Upon all points or questions, when these rules may be silent or uncertain, reference shall be made to Robert's Rules of Order.
[Assistance in reading ordinances.] Persons with disabilities may request to be assisted by city personnel in reading ordinances proposed to be presented for consideration by the city council. Said request must be submitted to the city secretary at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the ordinance being presented to the city council for first reading.
(Ord. No. 07-03, § 1, 2-22-2007)
Charter reference
Requirement that city council establish rules of procedure, § 3-10.