§ 2-26. Conditions of employment.
Hours of work. The city manager shall determine the business hours for the various city offices and departments, although individual employees may be directed to work hours outside of the city's normal business hours, depending on the city's particular needs. All employees are expected to report to work on time and maintain consistent attendance during these business hours. No city department shall be left unattended during business hours unless authorized by the city manager.
The standard workweek for city employees other than firefighters shall be forty (40) hours. Firefighters shall work shifts of twenty-four (24) hours on duty with forty-eight (48) hours off duty.
Attendance. Employees shall be at their work site in accordance with their departmental schedule. Any employee who is unable to report to work shall advise his/her immediate supervisor by any reasonable means no later than fifteen (15) minutes before the employee should report to work, or as otherwise determined by departmental guidelines. It shall be the responsibility of all department heads and supervisors to provide each employee under their supervision with their respective telephone numbers so that said employee may be able to contact them when necessary.
Time records. Employees must record all hours worked on a daily basis, including lunch breaks and overtime, via the city's time records system. Under no circumstances shall any employee record hours worked for another employee. Falsification, failure to properly record hours worked, and/or failing to "clock in" at the beginning or end of an employee's shift or break may subject an employee to disciplinary action, including termination.
Department heads (or their designees) are responsible for approving time records submitted by employees within their department. Employees are responsible for accurately recording all hours worked and promptly correcting any errors in their time records as soon as it comes to their attention. The employee and the department head (or designee) shall be responsible for resolving any discrepancies or errors in the employee's time records.
Rest and meal breaks. Generally, all employees shall be entitled to a designated meal break for up to one (1) hour. Additionally, employees are allowed up to two (2) fifteen-minute rest periods during the day, as workloads may permit. Rest periods are a privilege and may be suspended if abused.
Breaks for nursing mothers .
Employees who are nursing mothers and require breaks for the purpose of expressing milk in the workplace should discuss accommodations with their immediate supervisor, department head and/or the human resources department.
Employee safety program. The city is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, as embodied in the employee safety program of the City of Eagle Pass, which is available from the Human Resources department. Whenever possible, city employees will be reminded of the hazards, proper work methods and appropriate measures and equipment to use when performing their work.
Duty to perform work in a safe manner: Employees are responsible for conducting their work activities in a manner that is protective of their own health and safety, as well as that of other employees. Employees have a duty to report any conditions that in their judgment threaten the health and safety of employees or visitors to their supervisors or department heads.
Duty to report injuries: Employees must report every on-the-job accident or injury, no matter how minor, to their supervisor or department head immediately, or as soon as practicable. Accident reports must be filed within twenty-four (24) hours to the human resources department. The director of human resources, or designee, shall be responsible for filing all incident reports with the city's worker's compensation insurance carrier. Failure to report an on-the-job injury, no matter how minor, could result in the denial of worker's compensation benefits.
Weapon-free workplace. The city has the legal right to prohibit weapons in the workplace, including those firearms that are carried in compliance with Texas law. Accordingly, the city prohibits the possession or use of weapons, including firearms, knives, and explosives on city premises and city-owned vehicles. This prohibition does not include city employees who are required to carry a weapon in connection with their duties and responsibilities (e.g. law enforcement personnel). Moreover, employees who hold a license to carry a handgun pursuant to state law, and who otherwise lawfully possess a firearm or ammunition may transport or store their firearm or ammunition in the employee's locked, privately-owned, motor vehicle in the parking area designated for city employees.
Any employee who violates this policy is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
Employees must report any violation of this policy. Failure to report a violation of this policy may subject an employee to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
Workplace searches. The city reserves the right to make general or random searches of city property, such as lockers, closets, and desks, for alcohol, prohibited drugs, or drug paraphernalia without the consent of the employee. The use of privately owned padlocks or other locking mechanisms for city property is prohibited.
Personal containers such as lunch boxes, purses, briefcases, vehicles, and so on, may be subject to search at any time if a reasonable suspicion exists that evidence of misconduct may be found. If the employee is available, he or she will be asked to consent to the search. If the employee does not consent, the search will not be conducted, but the employee's refusal to cooperate may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. No search of personal containers will be conducted in the employee's absence.
Any search will be conducted as privately as possible, involving only persons with a need to know and only with the authorization of the city manager, or designee.
No-smoking policy. Smoking or the use of tobacco products (including but not limited to: cigarettes, pipes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, vaping, snuff, or chewing tobacco) is prohibited in any building or vehicle owned, leased or rented by the city. Employees may smoke outside in designated areas during designated breaks (see Rest and Meal Breaks), so long as such use does not interfere with the employee's work, fitness for duty, or professional appearance. The privilege to use tobacco products during breaks may be withdrawn if abused.
Political activity. While employees are encouraged to vote and exercise their civic rights, any and all political activity by a city employee while such employee is on duty is strictly prohibited. Employees should refrain from stating their opinions or views on any political issues or candidates, while in execution of their official position.
The political activities of civil service employees are governed by the city's civil service rules.
Moonlighting. Before employees may engage in moonlighting (see Definitions), employees must notify and obtain approval from their department head and the city manager. Such outside employment or activities may not interfere with or adversely affect the employee's job performance with the city and shall not present or create a conflict of interest with the employee's position in the city.
No-solicitation policy. To avoid disruptions in the workplace, solicitations, whether for a charitable or commercial purpose, and the promotion, distribution, or circulation of pamphlets, literature, or any other material by city employees or non-employees on city property is prohibited during business hours.
The posting of any leaflets, notices, literature, or other material on city property without permission of the city manager, or designee, is strictly prohibited. Any employee who violates any of the above rules may be subject to disciplinary action.
(Ord. No. 2018-27, § 1, 10-2-2018)