§ 8-2. Preparation, submission and adoption of budget.
At least sixty (60) days prior to the end of each fiscal year, each department head shall submit to the city manager an estimate of the budgetary needs of his department for the ensuing fiscal year. At least thirty (30) days thereafter, the city manager shall submit to the council a proposed budget presenting a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year. The budget shall, by ordinance, be finally adopted not later than the twenty-seventh (27th) day of the last month of the fiscal year. Should the council take no final action on or prior to such day, the budget, as submitted, shall be deemed to have been finally adopted. No budget shall be adopted or appropriations made unless the total of estimated revenues, income and funds available shall be equal to or in excess of such budget or appropriations, except as otherwise provided in this Article. The budget shall contain the following provisions to wit:
A budget message, explanatory of the budget, which shall contain an outline of the proposed financial policies of the city for the fiscal year, shall set forth the reasons for salient changes from the previous fiscal year in expenditure and revenue items, and shall explain any major changes in financial policy.
A consolidated statement of anticipated receipts and proposed expenditures for all funds.
An analysis of property valuations.
An analysis of tax rates.
Tax levies and tax collections by years for at least five (5) years.
General fund resources in detail.
Special fund resources in detail.
Summary of proposed expenditures by function, department, and activity.
Detailed estimates of expenditures shown separately for each activity to support the summary (8) above. Such estimates of expenditures are to include an itemization of positions showing the number of persons having each title and rate of pay.
A revenue and expense statement for all types of notes and bonds.
A description of all bond issues outstanding, showing rate of interest, date of issue, maturity date, amount authorized, amount issued and amount outstanding.
A schedule of requirement for the principal and interest of each issue of bonds.
The appropriation ordinance.
The tax levying ordinance.
Such other provisions as the council, by ordinance, shall provide.
Anticipated revenues compared with other years in budget. In preparing the budget, the city manager shall place in parallel columns opposite the several items of revenue, the actual amount of each item for the last completed fiscal year, the estimated amount for the current fiscal year, and the proposed amount for the ensuing fiscal year.
Proposed expenditures compared with other years. The city manager in the preparation of the budget shall place in parallel columns opposite the various items of expenditures, the actual amount of such items of expenditures for the last completed fiscal year, the estimated amount for the current fiscal year and the proposed amount for the ensuing fiscal year.
Budget a public record. The budget and all supporting schedules shall be filed with the person performing the duties of city secretary, submitted to the council, and shall be a public record. The city manager shall provide copies for distribution to all interested persons.
Notice of public hearing on budget. At the meeting of the council at which the budget is submitted, the council shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Eagle Pass, a notice of the hearing setting forth the time and place thereof at least five (5) days before the date of such hearing.
Public hearing on budget. At the time and place set forth in the notice required by subsection (e) above, or at any time and place to which such public hearing shall from time to time be adjourned, the council shall hold a public hearing on the budget submitted, and all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item therein contained.
Proceedings on budget after public hearing. After the conclusion of such public hearing, the council may insert new items or may increase or decrease the items of the budget except items in proposed expenditures fixed by law, but where it shall increase the total proposed expenditures, it shall also provide for an increase in the total anticipated revenue to at least equal such proposed expenditures.
Effective date of budget; certification; copies made available. Upon final adoption, the budget shall be in effect for the ensuing fiscal year. A copy of the budget, as finally adopted, shall be filed with the person performing the duties of city secretary, and the county clerk of Maverick County. The final budget shall be printed, mimeographed or otherwise reproduced and copies shall be made available for the use of all offices, departments, and agencies and for the use of interested persons, and civic organizations.
(Ord. No. 02-32, § 1, 11-7-02; elect. of 2-1-03)