§ 26-202. Schedule III: Stop streets.  

Latest version.
  • The following thirty-inch stop signs are hereby authorized and designated at the following locations:

    Thirty-inch Stop Signs

    On At
    Adams Ford Stop for northbound
    Adolphus Bryan Stop for northbound and southbound
    Adolphus El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Austin Bryan Stop for northbound
    Austin El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Arlington Buckley Stop for northbound
    Avenue A Second Stop for northbound and southbound
    Avenue B Second Stop for northbound and southbound
    Avenue C Third Street Stop for northbound and southbound
    Bibb Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Blanco Bryan Stop for northbound and southbound
    Blanco Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Bonnett Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Brazos Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Bryan Brazos Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Bryan Monroe Stop for westbound
    Bryan Travis Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Buckley Memorial Stop for eastbound
    Butler Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Ceylon El Indio Highway Stop for southbound
    Church Ceylon Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Colorado Main Stop for northbound
    Comal Clarkson On northeast corner
    Comal Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Converse Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Converse Quarry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Crockett Bryan Stop for northbound and southbound
    Crockett El Indio Highway Stop for southbound
    Edison El Indio Highway Stop for northbound
    El Indio Highway Chorgas On northwest corner
    El Indio Highway Mathiwos On northwest corner
    Epting El Indio Highway Stop for southbound
    Ferry Ceylon Replaces signal with thirty-inch stop on Ferry for eastbound and westbound
    Fifth Del Rio Stop for westbound
    First Ceylon Stop for eastbound and westbound
    First Madison Stop for westbound
    Florence El Indio Highway Stop for northbound
    Flowers Buckley Stop for southbound
    Ford Ceylon Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Fourth Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Fox Clarkson On northwest corner
    Fox Ferry On southeast corner
    Garrison Commercial Stop for westbound
    Garrison Monroe Stop for eastbound
    Harold Main Stop for southbound
    Hillcrest Main Stop for southbound
    Jefferson Garrison Stop for southbound
    Jodobo Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Jodobo Drive Ricks Drive (west half) Stop for northbound and southbound
    Kelso Clarkson On southwest corner
    Kelso Stafford On southwest corner
    Kifuri El Indio Highway Stop for northbound
    King David Bryan Stop for northbound
    King David El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Laredo El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Lazar Lot 9, Rancho Escondido II Subdivision, Unit 2 Stop for northbound
    Leona Ceylon Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Lewis Memorial Drive Stop for northbound
    Loop 375 El Indio Highway All four stops for Loop 375
    Los Angeles Roosevelt On northwest corner
    Lucino Loop North Point Drive Stop for eastbound
    Luis Bryan Stop for northbound
    Luis El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Madison Ford On southwest and northeast corner
    Madison Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Marion Ferry On northwest corner
    Marion Stafford On northeast corner
    Medina Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Memorial Drive Lewis Stop for eastbound
    Meyers Clarkson On northwest corner
    Meyers Ferry On southeast corner
    Monroe El Indio Highway Stop for eastbound, northbound and westbound
    Monroe Ferry On southeast and northwest corner
    North Point Drive Eagle Crossing Street Stop for southbound
    Nueces Main Stop for southbound
    Pecos Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Pierce El Indio Highway Stop for southbound
    Pierce Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Puebla Loop 431 Stop for eastbound
    Rio Grande Adams Stop for westbound
    Rio Grande Jefferson Stop for westbound
    Rio Grande Washington Stop for westbound
    Rio Road Del Rio Stop for eastbound
    Roswell Del Rio Stop for eastbound
    Royal Ridge Loop 431 Stop for eastbound
    San Marcos Bryan Stop for southbound
    San Marcos Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Second Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Second Loop 431 Stop for eastbound
    South Texas South End Stop for northbound and southbound
    Stroman Buckley Stop for southbound
    Third Del Rio Stop for westbound
    Travis El Indio Highway Stop for northbound and southbound
    Travis Williams Stop for northbound
    Trinity Ferry On southeast corner
    Trinity Ferry Stop for southbound
    Trinity Main Stop for northbound and Southbound
    Washington Garrison Stop for southbound
    Washington Main Stop for northbound and southbound
    Webster Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Webster Second Stop for northbound and southbound
    Williams Loop 375 Stop for eastbound
    Williams Monroe Stop for westbound
    Yolanda Del Rio Stop for eastbound
    Yota Drive Airport Road On northeast corner
    Zacatecas Loop 431 Stop for eastbound
    Zacatecas San Juan Stop for westbound


    Twenty-four-inch Stop Signs

    On At
    An alley between Bryan and Rio Grande and Pierce Stop for westbound
    Second Railroad Tracks Stop for westbound
    Adams Ford Stop for southbound
    Adams Leona Stop for northbound and southbound
    A.J. Harold Stop for westbound
    Arlington Second Stop for southbound
    Avenue A Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Avenue B Ferry Stop for southbound
    Blanco Olive Stop for northbound and southbound
    Blesse Fifth Stop for southbound
    Bliss Adams Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Bibb Hillcrest All four stops, north, south, east, west corners
    Boehmer Street DeBona Street Stop for westbound
    Brown Edison Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Brown Industrial Stop for westbound
    Bryan Pierce Stop for westbound
    Buckley Trinity Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Calle Carr Calle de los Santos Stop for northbound
    Calle Carr Drainage easement Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Calle Chelo Calle Carr Stop for westbound
    Calle Chelo Calle Santos Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Calle de los Santos Drainage easement Stop for southbound
    Calle Santos Calle de los Santos Stop for northbound
    Carthage Mathiwos Stop for northbound
    Center Fifth Stop for northbound
    Ceylon Rio Grande Stop for northbound and southbound
    Ceylon Rio Grande Stop for southbound
    Ceylon Williams Stop for northbound and southbound
    Church Avenue B Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Clarkson Drive Kelso Stop for eastbound
    Clarkson Drive Comal Stop for westbound
    Colorado Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Colorado Quarry Stop for southbound
    Colorado Rio Grande Stop for northbound and southbound
    Colorado Second Stop for northbound and southbound
    Comal Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Comal Quarry Stop for all four directions, north, south, east, west corners
    Comal Second
    Commercial Main Stop for eastbound, northbound and southbound
    Concho Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho First Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho Juarez Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho Quarry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho Rio Grande Stop for northbound and southbound
    Concho Second
    Converse Rio Grande Stop for southbound
    Cox Industrial Stop for westbound
    DeBona Street Boehmer Street Stop for northbound
    Edna Bibb Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Evans George Stop for eastbound
    Evans Simpson Stop for westbound
    First Comal Stop for eastbound
    First Trinity Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Florence Brown Stop for southbound
    Ford Commercial Stop for westbound
    Ford Medina Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Ford Monroe Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Ford Webster Stop for eastbound
    Fox Clarkson Stop for southbound
    Fox Ferry Stop for northbound
    Garrison Monroe Stop for eastbound
    George Yolanda Stop for northbound and southbound
    Hidalgo Arlington Stop for eastbound
    Hillcrest Comal Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Jefferson Church Stop for northbound and southbound
    Jefferson Ford Stop for southbound on northeast corner of Jefferson and stop on east and west side of Jefferson for northbound
    Kelso Second Stop for northbound
    Kelso Stafford Stop for southbound
    King David Cox Stop for southbound
    Lorilee Bibb Stop for westbound
    Madison Church Stop for northbound and southbound
    Madison Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Marion Drive Ferry Stop for southbound
    Maverick Pecos Stop for westbound
    Medina Ferry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Memorial Second Stop for southbound
    Mesa King David Stop for eastbound
    Meyers Clarkson Stop for southbound
    Meyers Ferry Stop for northbound
    Northwest corner of Block 4, 57 Heights Subdivision Calle de los Santos Stop for northbound
    Nueces Quarry Stop for northbound and southbound
    Olive Comal Stop for westbound
    Pierce Ferry Stop for southbound
    Pierce Quarry Stop for northbound
    Pierce Rio Grande Stop for northbound
    Pierce Williams Stop for southbound
    Quarry Madison Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Quarry Madison Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Quarry Jefferson Stop for westbound
    Quarry Monroe Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Ralph Bibb Stop for westbound
    Ralph Harold Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Rio Grande Adams Stop for eastbound on north and south side of Rio Grande
    Rio Grande Commercial Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Rio Grande Jefferson Stop for eastbound on north and south side of Rio Grande
    Rio Grande Medina Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Rio Grande Washington Stop for eastbound
    Royal Point Royal Park Stop for southbound
    Royal Point Royal Ridge Stop for northbound
    Stafford Kelso Stop for eastbound
    Stanley Bibb Stop for westbound
    Taft Adolphus Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Taft Travis Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Trinity Bryan Stop for southbound
    Trinity Garrison Stop for northbound
    Trinity Rio Grande Stop for northbound and southbound
    Vista Hermosa Second Stop for northbound
    Washington Ford Stop for northbound on east and west side of Washington and southbound on northeast side of Washington
    Washington Leona Stop for northbound
    Webster Ford Stop for eastbound
    Webster Leona Stop for northbound and southbound
    Williams St. South entrance to Mall de las Aguilas Stop for eastbound
    Wilson Travis Stop for eastbound and westbound
    Yolanda Simpson Stop for westbound
    Zacatecas Bibb Stop for southbound


(Ord. No. 75-17, Schedule III, 11-4-1975; Ord. No. 75-25, §§ 3, 4, 12-2-1975; Ord. No. 78-19, § 1, 9-12-1978; Ord. No. 82-02, § 2, 1-5-1982; Ord. No. 85-08, § 3, 7-2-1985; Ord. No. 85-27, § 1, 11-13-1985; Ord. No. 87-04, § 2, 3-3-1987; Ord. No. 91-20, § 2, 7-2-1991; Ord. No. 91-22, § 1, 8-6-1991; Ord. No. 91-34, § 1, 10-1-1991; Ord. No. 92-03, § 1, 2-4-1992; Ord. No. 92-10, § 1, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 92-37, § 3, 12-8-1992; Ord. No. 93-10, § 1, 7-6-1993; Ord. No. 94-15, § 2, 5-3-1994; Ord. No. 97-20, § 2, 6-23-1997; Ord. No. 97-32, § 1, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 97-37, § 1, 12-2-1997; Ord. No. 98-13, § 1, 4-22-1998; Ord. No. 98-18, § 1, 6-30-1998; Ord. No. 98-26, § 1, 7-28-1998; Ord. No. 05-13, § 1, 5-17-2005; Ord. No. 05-17, § 2, 6-29-2005; Ord. No. 05-26, § 2, 8-23-2005; Ord. No. 07-07, § 2, 4-3-2007; Ord. No. 07-13, § 5, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 07-16, § 1, 7-24-2007; Ord. No. 2010-06, § 2, 7-6-2010; Ord. No. 2011-10, § 2, 6-7-2011; Ord. No. 2018-11, § 1, 4-10-2018)