§ 26-203. Schedule IV: Yield signs.
The following thirty-six-inch yield signs are hereby authorized and designated at the following locations:
On At
Adams Ferry Yield for northbound Adams Industrial Yield for southbound Adolphus Williams Yield for northbound and southbound Anezo Salonika On southwest corner Austin Williams Yield for northbound and southbound Avenue A Church Yield for northbound and southbound Avenue C Church Yield for southbound Avenue C Fourth Yield for northbound Avenue C Second Avenue D Second Yield for northbound Blanco Hillcrest Yield for northbound Blanco Quarry Yield for northbound and southbound Blanco Williams Yield for southbound Blesse Bonnett Yield for northbound Boehmer Flowers Yield for eastbound Border Entry Garrison Yield for eastbound Bowles Flowers Yield for eastbound Bowles Nopal Yield for eastbound and westbound Bowles Trinity Yield for westbound Brazos Hillcrest Yield for northbound Brazos Olive Yield for northbound Brazos Quarry Yield for southbound Brazos Williams Yield for northbound and southbound Carthage Salonika On northwest corner Church Medina Yield for eastbound and westbound Colorado First Yield for northbound and southbound Colorado Garrison Yield for northbound and southbound Colorado Hidalgo Yield for northbound and southbound Colorado Hillcrest Yield for northbound Comal Hidalgo Yield for northbound and southbound Concho Buckley Yield for northbound and southbound Concho Garrison Yield for southbound Concho Rio Grande Yield for northbound and southbound Converse Rio Grande Yield for southbound Coolidge Kifuri Yield for westbound Coolidge Travis Yield for eastbound and westbound Cox Florence Yield for eastbound Crescent Olive Yield for southbound Crockett Williams Yield for northbound and southbound El Indio Monroe Yield for westbound Ferry Commercial Yield for eastbound and westbound Ferry Jefferson Yield for northbound and southbound Ferry Kelso Yield for eastbound First Avenue A Yield for eastbound and westbound First Avenue B Yield for eastbound and westbound First Avenue C Yield for eastbound and westbound First Webster Yield for eastbound and westbound Florence King Arthur Southwest corner yield for northbound and southbound Ford Madison Yield for eastbound and westbound Ford Nueces Yield for westbound Fourth Center Yield for eastbound and westbound Garrison Brazos Yield for westbound Garrison Comal Yield for eastbound Garrison Monroe Yield for eastbound and southbound short cut Golfcrest Memorial Yield for eastbound Grand Haven Royal Ridge Yield for southbound Grand Haven Wedgefield Yield for northbound Grand Park Lane Royal Ridge Yield for southbound Guadalajara Bibb Yield for westbound Guadalajara Hillcrest Yield for southbound Harding Austin Yield for eastbound and westbound Harding Kifuri Yield for westbound Harding Travis Yield for eastbound and westbound Hewatt Los Angeles On northeast corner Hidalgo Trinity Yield for eastbound and westbound H. School S.
drivewaySecond Yield for southbound Hillcrest Quarry Yield for northbound and southbound Hillcrest Vista Hermosa Yield for eastbound Hoover Adolphus Yield for westbound Hoover Brazos Yield for eastbound Hoover King David Yield for eastbound and westbound Hoover Laredo Yield for eastbound and westbound Industrial Kifuri Yield for northbound
KifuriJalisco Hillcrest Yield for southbound Jodobo Ricks, east half Yield for southwest corner for eastbound Juarez Colorado Yield for eastbound Juarez Trinity Yield for westbound Kelso Hillcrest Yield for southbound Kennor Ricks, east half Yield for eastbound Kennor Ricks, west half Yield for westbound King Arthur Edison Yield for eastbound King Arthur King David Yield for westbound King David Williams Yield for northbound and southbound Kiriaka Chorgas On southwest corner Kiriaka Mathiwos On northeast and southwest corner Laredo Brazos Yield for eastbound Laredo Brown Yield for southbound Laredo Cox Yield for northbound and southbound Laredo King Arthur Yield for northbound and southbound Leona Commercial Yield for westbound Leona Jefferson Yield for eastbound and westbound Leona Madison Yield for eastbound and westbound Leona Medina Yield for eastbound and westbound Leona Monroe Yield for eastbound and westbound Loop 431 U.S. 277 Yield for westbound to northbound on northwest corner; yield on northeast corner for northbound to eastbound Lorilee Harold Yield for eastbound and westbound Luis Harding Yield for southbound Luis Taft Yield for northbound and southbound Luis Williams Yield for northbound and southbound Main Ryan Yield for westbound Marquez Commercial Yield for westbound Marquez Jefferson Yield for eastbound Mathiwos Anezo On northeast corner Mathiwos Carthage On northeast corner Maverick Quarry Yield for southbound Mazatlaw San Juan Yield for eastbound Meadow Briar
LaneRoyal Ridge Yield for southbound Meadow Briar
LaneWedgefield Yield for northbound Meadow Point Bibb On northeast corner Medina First Yield for northbound Medina Garrison Yield for southbound Memorial Buckley Yield for eastbound Monroe Church Yield for northbound and southbound Monroe First Yield for northbound Monterrey Vista Hermosa Yield for westbound Olive Pecos Yield for eastbound Pecos Hillcrest Yield for northbound Pecos Quarry Yield for southbound Pierce Bryan Yield for northbound Puebla Zacatecas Yield for northbound Railroad Street
WestChurch Yield for southbound Ricks, west half Butler Yield for northbound Rio Grande Comal Yield for eastbound and westbound Rio Grande San Marcos Yield for eastbound Riskind Los Angeles On northeast corner Roosevelt Adolphus Yield for eastbound and westbound Roosevelt Austin Yield for westbound Roosevelt King David Yield for eastbound and westbound Roosevelt Laredo Yield for eastbound and westbound Roosevelt Luis Yield for eastbound and westbound Royal Club Royal Bend On northwest corner Royal Crown Royal Club On southeast corner Royal Haven Royal Ridge On southwest corner Royal Park Bibb On northeast corner Royal Point Royal Crown On northeast corner Royal Point Royal Park On southeast corner Royal Ridge Bibb On southeast and northwest corner Saltillo Bibb Yield for westbound San Marcos Hillcrest Yield for northbound San Marcos Olive Yield for northbound and southbound San Marcos Quarry Yield for northbound and southbound Second Bibb Yield for northbound Second Concho Yield for westbound Second Trinity Yield for eastbound and westbound Second (Extension) Bibb Yield for eastbound Second (Extension) Second Yield for northbound
(by Boy's Club)Shafter Bliss Yield for southbound Spies Carthage On northwest corner Spies Salonika On southwest corner Surita Brazos Yield for eastbound Taft Austin Yield for northbound and southbound Taft Florence Yield for eastbound Taft Kifuri Yield for westbound Taft King David Yield for eastbound and westbound Taft Laredo Yield for eastbound and westbound Tampico Hillcrest Yield for southbound Third Center Yield for eastbound and westbound Travis Garrison Yield for northbound Travis Kifuri Yield for westbound Trinity Garrison Yield for southbound Trinity Quarry Yield for northbound Trinity Rio Grande Yield for northbound and southbound Vera Cruz Vista Hermosa Yield for westbound Ward Adams Yield for eastbound Webster Church Yield for northbound and southbound Willow Brae Drive Royal Bend On southwest corner Willow Brae Drive Royal Crown On southwest corner Wilson Adolphus Yield for eastbound and westbound Wilson Austin Yield for eastbound and westbound Wilson Brazos Yield for eastbound Wilson Luis Yield for eastbound and westbound Yota Kiriaka On southeast corner Yota Mathiwos On southeast corner Yota Salonika On southwest corner Zacatecas Acapulco On northwest corner Zacatecas San Juan On northwest corner Zacatecas Vista Hermosa Yield for eastbound and westbound
(Ord. No. 75-17, Schedule IV, 11-4-1975; Ord. No. 78-19, § 1, 9-12-1978; Ord. No. 82-02, § 3, 1-5-1982; Ord. No. 85-08, § 4, 7-2-1985; Ord. No. 85-27, § 2, 11-13-1985; Ord. No. 92-10, § 1, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 92-37, § 1, 12-8-1992; Ord. No. 94-15, § 1, 5-3-1994; Ord. No. 97-20, § 1, 6-23-1997; Ord. No. 98-17, § 1, 6-30-1998; Ord. No. 05-17, § 1, 6-29-2005; Ord. No. 05-26, § 1, 8-23-2005; Ord. No. 07-07, § 1, 4-3-2007; Ord. No. 07-13, § 4, 6-5-2007; Ord. No. 2010-06, § 1, 7-6-2010; Ord. No. 2011-10, § 1, 6-7-2011; Ord. No. 2013-10, § 1, 6-4-2013; Ord. No 2016-28, § 2, 8-23-2016)