§ 26-204. Schedule V: School zones.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The school speed limit zone of twenty (20) miles per hour, unless otherwise provided, when children are present or when flashers are flashing, whichever the case, at the different schools within the city limits of the City of Eagle Pass as per zones set out in the attached sketch* of each school area, are hereby authorized and the different traffic control signs as indicated in each sketch are also hereby authorized.

    * The sketches presenting the school speed limit zones for the different schools within the city have not been included herein, but are on file for inspection with the city.


    The following school signs are hereby authorized and designated at the following locations:

    School Signs

    On At
    Bibb Eagle Pass Junior High School School speed limit zone (20 mph.) for approximately 60 feet north to approximately 60 feet south
    Brazos Laredo School advance for northbound
    Brazos Williams School advance 200 feet north for southbound
    BUS 277N Between milepoints 0.760 and 1.146 (Old Eagle Pass Junior High School) School zone 20 mph
    Ceylon Ferry School advance and school speed limit zone (20 mph) for southbound
    Ceylon Leona School speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound; school advance for northbound
    Cherry Leaf Drive Between Katy Drive and Loop 3443 School speed limit zone (20 mph) for westbound and eastbound
    Commercial Ford School advance for northbound
    Commercial Leona School speed limit zone (20 mph) for southbound
    Commercial School corner School speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound
    Del Rio Fifth School speed limit zone (20 mph) and flasher unit for northbound; school advance for northbound
    Del Rio Hwy. 300′ north of Rio Rd. School speed limit zone (20 mph) and flashers for northbound and southbound
    Ferry Kelso School advance for eastbound
    Flowers Street From approximately 300 feet south of Misty Willow Drive to approximately 426 feet north of Kilowatt Street School speed limit zone (20 mph)
    FM 1021 Between milepoints 0.237 and 0.359 School zone 20 mph
    FM 1021 Between mile points 0.247 and 0.358 (Robert E. Lee Elementary School) School zone 20 mph
    FM 1021 Between mile points 2.420 and 2.665 (Memorial Jr. High School) School zone 35 mph
    FM 3443 From approximately 50 feet north of the Language Development Center to approximately 50 feet south of Henry Street For north[bound] and southbound traffic
    FM 3443 Milepoint 1.243 to milepoint 1.555 (Memorial Junior High School) 30 mph for northbound and southbound traffic
    FM 3443 Milepoint 0.628 to milepoint 0.899 (Language Development Center) 30 mph for northbound and southbound traffic
    Jefferson Ferry School advance at end of fire plug red zone for southbound
    Jefferson Ford School advance for northbound; school speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound
    Jefferson Leona School speed limit zone (20 mph) 75 feet north of Leona for southbound
    Jefferson Leona School speed limit zone (20 mph) approximately 150 feet south of Leona Street to approximately 150 feet north of Leona Street
    Kelso Clarkson School advance for northbound; school speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound
    Kelso Ferry School speed limit zone (20 mph) for southbound
    Kelso North of Hillcrest School advance
    Kelso Stafford School speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound and southbound
    Leona Washington School advance for westbound
    Leona Between Jefferson and Madison School speed zone 20 mph
    Madison Ferry Approximately 300 feet south of Leona Street for northbound and southbound traffic
    Monroe Ferry Approximately 150 feet south of Ferry Street for an approximate length of 150 feet for northbound and southbound traffic
    Monroe Bryan School advance north of police station for southbound; school speed limit zone (20 mph) for southbound
    Monroe Williams School cross-walk for northbound and southbound
    Nellie Mae From Champion Circle up to Liberty Elementary School School speed limit zone (20 mph)
    Royal Ridge Drive Fair Haven and Royal Point Drive Eastbound and westbound
    Trinity Buckley School advance for northbound
    U.S. HWY 277 South Approximately 550 feet west of Foster Maldonado Blvd. and approximately 550 feet south of said blvd.
    Williams Blanco School advance for eastbound
    Washington Ford School advance for northbound
    Washington Leona School speed limit zone (20 mph) for southbound
    Williams San Luis School School advance 200 feet east of school for westbound
    Washington School corner School speed limit zone (20 mph) for northbound


(Ord. No. 75-17, Schedule V, 11-4-1975; Ord. No. 91-20, § 3, 7-2-1991; Ord. No. 96-03, § 1, 1-19-1996; Ord. No. 97-03, § 1, 1-7-1997; Ord. No. 97-06, § 1, 1-30-1997; Ord. No. 97-33, § 1, 11-4-1997; Ord. No. 99-21, § 1—4, 12-7-1999; Ord. No. 00-08, §§ 1, 2, 2-14-2000; Ord. No. 00-12, § 1, 4-11-2000; Ord. No. 01-17, § 2, 5-22-2001; Ord. No. 02-34, § 1, 11-7-2002; Ord. No. 03-29, §§ 1, 2, 11-4-2003; Ord. No. 04-06, § 1, 1-20-2004; Ord. No. 05-41, § 2, 11-21-2005; Ord. No. 2012-09, §§ 2, 3, 4-24-2012)